GCF(50, 18) = 2
Prime factorization of 50 :
(50 = 2 × 5 × 5)
Prime factorization of 18 :
(18 = 2 × 3 × 3)
The only common prime factor of 50 and 18 is 2. GCF is equal to that prime factor.
GCF(50, 18) = 2
The solution and descriptions above are generated by the GCF calculator. You can use the GCF calculator to see the greatest common factors of other numbers.
The greatest common factor (GCF) of two positive whole numbers is the largest number that divides these numbers exactly. GCF can be found by using the prime factorization method. It is equal to the product of all common prime factors in the factorization.
👉 Click here to see the GCF calculation of 50 and 18 using the cake method.
👉 Click here to see the LCM calculation of 50 and 18 using the cake method.
👉 Click here to see the LCM calculation of 50 and 18 using the prime factorization method.