Upside-Down Division of 72
Upside-down division of 72 is shown below.
(72 = 23 × 32)
The prime factors of 72 are 2 and 3
Prime factorization of 72 is as following.
Without Exponents: 72 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3
With Exponents:72 = 23 × 32
The solution and descriptions above are generated by the upside-down division calculator. You can use the upside-down division calculator to see the upside-down division of other numbers.
Upside-down division is a method used to find the prime factors and prime factorization of a number.
In this method, we draw a rectangular line and write the number on the RHS. Then we try to find a prime number that divides the number on the right. Once we find such a prime number, we write it on the left. We make the division and write the result under the number. on the RHS and continue the algorithm until we reach 1 on the RHS.
The numbers on the LHS are the prime factors. The prime factorization can be found by multiplying those prime numbers.
👉 Click here to see the factor tree of 72
👉 Click here to see the factors of 72
👉 Click here to see the prime factors of 72
👉 Click here to see the prime factorization of 72
Upside-Down Division of 72